Saturday, August 24, 2013


Between work, school, and on my days off, I have been working during all of my spare moments to try and get this boat painted and ready for the hardwood floors. I want to be able to move in by next week which will be a hard press as dad has to do my roof, fix the floors, and put the floor down in two weeks while at the same time, he is working basically 7 days a week.

Maybe it will work. Maybe it wont. We'll see!

Before Picture:
After Picture: With Primer


And now, Some has wall paint.


Our next step to rebuilding the boat is to do work on the interior. The walls need paint. Cabinets need to be painted. One top cabinet need to be fixed because of a leak in the top Right A.C. We also have to reseal the front large window. Joys!

So, the first step to making the boat livable was getting rid of the old nasty carpet and taking a grinder to all of the little tacks, nails, etc.

We went through two grinder pads getting all of the tacks out of the ground. Who ever put the carpet down put way to many tacks into the ground. It was rediculus. I swear, every time we do something we find out something stupid the other people did. 

Like the wiring. We have to have two plugs hooked up to the docks outside in order to run the entire boat. One runs one half of the boat. The other runs the second half. So pops is going to ether rewire some things, or just use two plugs indefinitely.

I think the reason why they wired things differently is to bring more power into the boat to run like...the oven, and a separate cook top.

There is one piece of rotted wood on the boat and that is right by the back doors. We just need peel this piece of wood up and replace it. dads also going to make all the hatches level to the ground for the hardwood floors to be put in.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Getting Her To Colonial Beach

In order to get her from Callao to Colonial Beach, We hooked her up to a 80ft trawler and towed her back. It took us roughly 6 hours plus some to do it but eventually she made it here. She spent one week at another dock and than a day sitting beside our big boat before coming to rest in the spot she sits now.

Her back deck faces out along the water so you could sit there on a wicker chair and watch the eagles swoop over the river trying to catch their dinner.

All Painted Up!

All Painted Up!

We scraped and painted the bottom Red. This is just the after photo of the scraping. I lost the photo of our paint job when my phone took a swim.

Bottom Work.

Bottom Work:

The boat hadn't been pulled in god only knows how long so pulling her was well needed. We also needed to check the hull for possible reasons she sunk in the first place.

Hows that for a dirty bottom!


You can see how bad the propellers are. We need to replace them but are holding off until next year. We will winterize the engines now and than pull them, and rebuild them next spring.



After we got all the trash out of the boat, We had the joys of finally evaluating the boats condition. We immediately found out that she needed some serious TLC. 

While a lot of the teak on the boat is good, oddly its actually the teak in the areas that was completely submerged that is the best, The rest of the wood would be better off painted than re-stained.

A list of the things that we had to fix: 

  • Lights. (We got all of the upstairs ones working. The downstairs five need to be completely replaced.)
  • Shower Faucets.
  • Stove.
  • Floors. (pull up the old carpet, Level out the hatches, Replace floors with wood floors, and stairs with carpet)
  • A single rotted piece of wood by the glass door.
  • Glass Door handle/lock.
  • Window seals need re-caulking.
  • Walls needed some tacks.
  • One Cabinet needs worked on from water damage in a leak over the top of the boat.
  • Stereo replaced.
  • Speakers will be replaced inside by our old Bose speakers.
  • Paint.
  • Engines Need To Be Rebuilt.
  • Bottom needed to be scraped and painted.
  • New propellers!
You get the point.

Here are some photo's of her all cleaned up.

These are the cabinets that I am going to paint. I could save them but the boat needs a update out of the 80's so I choose to do paint and new appliances.


You can see here all of the stuff we have to do in order to fix this boat.

Buying Her,

The big blue water came from a marina in Callao, Va across from my fathers work place. The history about the boat is that it sat in a covered slip for some 10 odd years. The guy who owned the boat lived on it for a while but went and lived somewhere else for a good two years leaving the boat to just sit.

Eventually, The boats bilge pump failed and it sunk about half way. It did not stay sunk for long. They rose it back the next morning and let it sit for three weeks. When we bought it, We spent two days just cleaning the boat, pulling the trash and bins of rusted junk out of the bilge.

There was mold in the cabinets. And, it was just plain disgusting.

The pictures above are of the boat after it was towed to my fathers work marina.

You can see the waterlines. 
 Because they didn't clean the boat after it sunk, 
Gross stuff started to grow in the stagnant water in the bathroom.